Design News
Amateur’s Guide To Customizing Website Design With FireBug
"FireBug and it is so cool that many web developers use FireFox just to get to using FireBug. In this post I am sharing my amateur's tricks of creating a web site design with FireBug."
Logo Design Trends 2009 - Showcase
A compilation of attractive logos grouped by category such as Origami and Tactile to illustrate the current trend in logo design.
6 Signs of Adaptive PHP
Is your PHP code "adaptive"? 6 signs that they are.
Building HTML/CSS Sites: Use a Template
If you churning out websites frequently, it can be very unproductive to start from scratch each time the basic HTML code . This article looks at creating a reusable, basic template for that purpose.
Harry Roberts’ Web Developer Handbook
Logica Web Developer Handbook is an amalgamation of web-standards solutions for common web development issues and problems, all on one page.
CSS Code Readability Tips
Some general tips on improving your CSS code's readability, which is an often ignored subject.
Block Style Font
A font made by a young talented girl just 16 years of age. Julie Kapral is one young designer we should keep an eye on.
Form field Limiter v2.0
Form Field Limiter lets you limit the number of characters allowed in a INPUT or TEXTAREA element, plus display in real time the number of characters remaining.